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mAP (mean Average Precision)

(A good tutorial with graphs)

A metric usually used in object detection.

mAP = mean AP for all classes.

And the calculation of AP is like the AUC of ROC in binary classification:


# for each class's `preds` and `gts`, assert both non empty.
THRESH = 0.5

matched = np.zeros(len(gts))
tp = np.zeros(len(preds))
fp = np.zeros(len(preds))

preds = sorted(preds, key="confidence", decreasing=True)
# for each pred
for i, pred in enumerate(preds):
    max_iou = 0
    max_id = -1
    # brute-force enumerate gts of the same label!
    for j, gt in enumearte(gts): 
        iou = get_iou(pred, gt)
        if iou > max_iou:
            max_iou = iou
            max_id = j
    if max_iou > THRESH and matched[max_id] == 0:
        matched[max_id] = 1
        tp[i] = 1
        fp[i] = 1

tp = np.cumsum(tp)
fp = np.cumsum(fp)
recall = tp / len(gts) # increasing
precision = tp / (tp + fp + 1e-6) # zig-zag

### VOC 2007 metric, calculate AUC on 11 discrete points.
ap07 = 0
for t in np.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1):
    if np.sum(recall >= t) == 0:
        p = 0
        p = np.max(precision[recall >= t])
    ap07 += p / 11

### VOC after 2007, continuous AUC
ap = 0
recall = np.concatenate([0], recall, [1])
precision = np.concatenate([0], precision, [0])
# smooth out the zig-zag
for i in range(len(precision)-1, 0, -1):
    precision[i-1] = np.maximum(precision[i-1], precision[i])
xs = np.where(recall[1:] != recall[:-1])[0]
ap = np.sum((recall[xs + 1] - recall[xs]) * precision[xs + 1])

illustration of VOC 07:

illustration of VOC after 07:

Other Notations

usually used in COCO dataset:

  • AP@0.5: AP with threshold = 0.5
  • AP@[.5:.95]: average AP (mAP) with threshold in arange(0.5, 0.95, 0.05), the AP is not averaged on classes, but on the IoU thresholds.