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03 Machine Language

Machine Language


# -Og: do not optimize, generate assembly code according to the program
# -S: generate assembly
gcc -Og -S test.c # test.s, assembly code
gcc -Og -c test.c # test.o, binary machine code


  • Caller-saved / Callee-saved Register: different strategies to save register context at calling functions.


  • Size of data type (remember the suffix!)


    • b: 1 byte
    • w: word, 2 bytes (old machine convention, 1 word only equals 2 bytes. Now we usually have 8 bytes = 64 bits for a word.)
    • l: long word, 4 bytes
    • q: quad word, 8 bytes
  • All 16 registers:

    Name convention for the 8 old registers at different bit length:

    64 bits rax rbx rcx rdx rsi rdi rbp rsp
    32 bits eax ebx ecx edx esi edi ebp esp
    16 bits ax bx cx dx si di bp sp
    8 bits al bl cl dl sil dil bpl spl


    And there are 8 new registers:



  • Operation Code: movq, addq, subq, xorq, ret
  • Operands:

    • Immediate: $1, $8
    • Register: %rax, %rdi, %rsi
    • Memory Reference: (%rbx)



  • mov S, D

    • Source and Destination cannot be both memory address.
    • 32-bit operation will also set the higher 32 bits to 0, but other operation won't.
      • movb $-1 %al: lower 8 bits changed to 0xFF.
      • movl $-1 %eax: lower 32 bits changed to 0xFFFFFFFF, but higher 32 bits of %rax also changed to 0x000000 !
    • movz: zero-extending
    • movs: signed-extending
    • cltq: equals movslq %eax, %rax.
    • example:


  • Stack related

    %rsp records the stack pointer (stack grows from high address to low address).

    • pushq %rax: equals subq $8, %rsp; movq %rax, (%rsp)
    • popq %rbx: equals movq (%rsp), %rbx; addq $8, %rsp
  • leaq S, D : load effective address.

    Directly write the value of S into D (as an address).

    movq (%rdx, %rdx, 2), %rax # write the value at memory location (3 * %rdx) to %rax
    leaq (%rdx, %rdx, 2), %rax # directly write (3 * %rdx) to %rax

    Can be used to load address, or abused to perform simple multiplying & adding...

  • Unary

    • inc D
    • dec D
    • neg D
    • not D
  • Binary

    • add S, D
    • sub S, D
    • imul S, D
    • xor S, D
    • or S, D
    • and S, D
  • Shift

    k can only be an immediate number, or the value in %cl.

    • sal/shl k, D: left shift
    • sar k, D: right shift, arithmetic
    • shr k, D: right shift, logical

    Example: use leaq and sal to perform multiplication.


  • Condition Code Register

    Controlled by ALU, the values are determined by the most recent operation's result.

    • CF: Carry Flag, Set to 1 if overflow happened for unsigned operation.
    • ZF: Zero Flag, Set to 1 if result is 0.
    • SF: Sign Flag, Set to 1 if result is negative.
    • OF: Overflow Flag, Set to 1 if overflow happened for signed operation.

    Two instructions for CCR:

    • cmpq S, D, equal to subq, but only set CCR.
    • testq S, D, equal to addq, but only set CCR.
    • sete D, set-equal, set D to 1 if last cmpq set ZF to 1 (i.e., S == D for cmpq S, D)
    • setl D, set-less, set D to 1 if last cmpq set SF ^ OF to 1 (i.e., S < D for cmpq S, D, OF considers signed overflow condition)
    • setle D, set-less-equal, (SF ^ OF) | ZF
    • setg D, set-greater, ~(SF ^ OF) & ~ZF
    • setge D, set-greater-equal, ~(SF ^ OF)
    • seta D, set-above, ~CF & ~ZF, for unsigned greater.
    • setae D, set-above-equal, ~CF, for unsigned greater-equal.
    • setb D, set-below, CF, for unsigned less.
    • setbe D, set-below-equal, CF | ZF, for unsigned less-equal.

TODO: 3-6