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Ray Tracing


Rasterization Shading cannot handle global effect (e.g., soft shadow, multiple light sources, glossy reflection, indirect illumination).

Ray-tracing is slow, but can generate high quality shades.

Whitted-Style Ray Tracing

Cast ray and trace the route recursively.


A ray is defined by origin \(\mathbf o\) and direction \(\mathbf d\) as a function of time \(t \ge 0\):

\[ \displaylines{ \mathbf r(t) = \mathbf o + t\mathbf d } \]

Ray-Surface intersection algorithm:

  • Naïve: Check intersection with each triangles. (slow!)
  • AABB (Axis-Aligned Bounding Boxes):

    first check if ray hit object bounding box, then check intersection with the object triangles.

    Need to pre-compute bounding boxes by spatial partitioning (uniform grid, KD-tree) / object partitioning (bounding volume hierarchy).

// Moller Trumbore Algorithm: detect ray-triangle intersection 
bool rayTriangleIntersect(const Vector3f& v0, const Vector3f& v1, const Vector3f& v2, const Vector3f& orig,
                          const Vector3f& dir, float& tnear, float& u, float& v)
    auto e1 = v1 - v0;
    auto e2 = v2 - v0;
    auto s = orig - v0;
    auto s1 = crossProduct(dir, e2);
    auto s2 = crossProduct(s, e1);

    float k = 1.0f / dotProduct(s1, e1);
    float tnear_ = k * dotProduct(s2, e2);
    float u_ = k * dotProduct(s1, s);
    float v_ = k * dotProduct(s2, dir);

    // don't forget tnear_ > 0 
    if ((tnear_ > 0) && (u_ > 0) &&  (v_ > 0) && (1 - u_ - v_ >= 0)) {
        tnear = tnear_;
        u = u_;
        v = v_;
        return true;
    else return false;

BVH (Bounding Volume Hierarchy)

BVH partitions object directly, compared to KD-Tree/Oct-Tree/BSP-Tree that partitions space.

BVH's bounding boxes may overlap in space, but each object is uniquely contained in bounding box.


Basic Radiometry


Physically correct manner of light calculation.

Radiant Energy: \(Q [J=Joule]\)

Radiant Flux: \(\Phi = \frac {dQ} {dt} [W] [lm=lumen]\)

Radiant Intensity: \(I(\omega) = \frac {d\Phi} {d\omega} [W/sr] [cd=candela]\), power per solid angle.

Irradiance: \(E(x) = \frac {d\Phi(x)} {dA} [W/m^2] [lux]\) power per unit area incident on a surface point.

Radiance/Luminance: \(L(p, \omega) = \frac {d^2\Phi(p, \omega)} {d\omega dA\cos\theta} [W/sr\ m^2] [nit]\) , power per unit solid angle per projected unit area. (or Irradiance per solid angle, or Intensity per projected unit area)

  • Incident Radiance
  • Exiting Radiance

Irradiance (辐射照度) vs radiance (辐射亮度):


Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF): how much light is reflected into each outgoing direction from each incoming direction.


The Reflection Equation:


The Rendering Equation:


Path Tracing

Whitted-Style Ray Tracing's assumptions are too simple (in fact wrong).

e.g. Glossy materials reflection, diffuse materials reflection.

We can numerically solve the rendering function by Monte Carlo Integration.

# Distributed Ray Tracing
shade(p, wo)
    Randomly choose N directions wi~pdf
    Lo = 0.0
    For each wi
        Trace a ray r(p, wi)
        If ray r hit the light
            Lo += (1 / N) * L_i * f_r * cosine / pdf(wi)
        Else If ray r hit an object at q
            Lo += (1 / N) * shade(q, -wi) * f_r * cosine / pdf(wi)
    Return Lo

But the #ray explodes after many bounces. Also, the recursion never ends (light never stop bouncing).

So we decide to only choose one random direction each time, and use Russian Roulette (RR) method to randomly stop light bouncing.

# Path Tracing (N == 1)
shade(p, wo, P_RR) # P_RR is a parameter to control RR stop.
    # Random stop 
    Randomly select ksi from U[0, 1].
    If ksi > P_RR
        Return 0
    # Random Path
    Randomly choose ONE direction wi~pdf(w)
    Trace a ray r(p, wi)
        If ray r hit the light
            Return L_i * f_r * cosine / pdf(wi)
        Else If ray r hit an object at q
            Return shade(q, -wi) * f_r * cosine / pdf(wi)

However, this randomness will be very noisy.

So we trace multiple paths for each pixel and average them.

ray_generation(camPos, pixel)
    Uniformly choose N sample positions within the pixel
    pixel_radiance = 0.0
    For each sample in the pixel
        Shoot a ray r(camPos, cam_to_sample)
        If ray r hit the scene at p
            pixel_radiance += 1 / N * shade(p, sample_to_cam)
    Return pixel_radiance

There are lots of other tricks, e.g., sampling the light, test if light is blocked, ... See the following implementation:

// Implementation of Path Tracing
Vector3f Scene::castRay(const Ray &ray, int depth) const
    // recursion depth limit
    if (depth > this->maxDepth) {
        return Vector3f(0.0f);
    // find intersection of ray with scene
    Intersection intersection = Scene::intersect(ray);
    Material *m = intersection.m;
    Object *hitObject = intersection.obj;
    Vector3f hitColor = this->backgroundColor;
    Vector2f uv;
    uint32_t index = 0;
    // if intersected
    if (intersection.happened) {
        // retrieve hitPoint 
        Vector3f hitPoint = intersection.coords;
        Vector3f N = intersection.normal; // normal
        Vector2f st; // st coordinates
        hitObject->getSurfaceProperties(hitPoint, ray.direction, index, uv, N, st);

        // prepare variables
        Vector3f wo = -ray.direction; // light_out direction
        Vector3f wi; // light_in direction
        float light_prob; // light_in prob

        // render!
        switch (m->getType()) {
            // only support DIFFUSE now...
            case DIFFUSE:
                /// direct light: sample light sources
                Intersection light_pos;
                sampleLight(light_pos, light_prob);
                Vector3f lightPoint = light_pos.coords;
                Vector3f lightIntensity = light_pos.emit;
                Vector3f lightN = light_pos.normal;
                // test if light is blocked.
                wi = normalize(hitPoint - lightPoint);
                Ray ray_light2hit(lightPoint, wi);
                Intersection light2hit_isect = Scene::intersect(ray_light2hit);
                Vector3f directColor(0.0f);
                // if not blocked (the precsion is necessary! 1e-2 is good, but 1e-6 will cause noises)
                if ((light2hit_isect.coords - hitPoint).norm() <= 1e-2) {
                    Vector3f f_r = m->eval(wi, wo, N);
                    float cos_theta = dotProduct(N, -wi);
                    float cos_theta2 = dotProduct(lightN, wi);
                    float dist = powf((lightPoint - hitPoint).norm(), 2);
                    // L_i * f_r * cos \theta * cos \theta' / |x'-p|^2 / pdf_light
                    directColor = lightIntensity * f_r * cos_theta * cos_theta2 / dist / light_prob;

                /// indirect light: Random Russian Roulette
                Vector3f indirectColor(0.0f);
                // start RR
                float ksi = get_random_float();
                // if RR passed
                if (ksi <= RussianRoulette) {
                    // sample light_in direction
                    wi = -m->sample(ray.direction, N);
                    light_prob = m->pdf(wi, wo, N);
                    // test light intersection
                    Ray ray_rr(hitPoint, -wi);
                    Intersection rr_isect = Scene::intersect(ray_rr);
                    // if intersected
                    if (rr_isect.happened) {
                        // with non-emit surface
                        if (!rr_isect.obj->hasEmit()) {
                            // recursive call to find the intensity !
                            Vector3f rrIntensity = castRay(ray_rr, depth+1);
                            Vector3f f_r = m->eval(wi, wo, N);
                            float cos_theta = dotProduct(N, -wi);
                            // L_i * f_r * cos \theta / light_prob / RR_prob
                            indirectColor = rrIntensity * f_r * cos_theta / light_prob / RussianRoulette;

                /// if self-emitting
                Vector3f selfColor(0.0f);
                if (m->hasEmission()) {
                    selfColor = m->getEmission();

                // final color
                hitColor = directColor + indirectColor + selfColor;
    return hitColor;