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  • find by name matching

    find . -name "*.sh"
    # find multiple directories
    find /usr /home /tmp -name "*.sh" 
    # find only directories
    find . -type d "__pycache__"
    # find only files
    find . -type f "*pattern*"
  • list recursively with max-depth, sort output

    # max-depth = 2
    find . -maxdepth 2 | sort
  • Replace string in all files under a folder

    # replace 'oldtext' to 'newtext' in all files under dir
    grep -rl oldtext dir | xargs sed -i 's/oldtext/newtext/g'
    # or
    find dir -type f -exec sed -i 's/oldtext/newtext/g' {} +
  • find all files that contain a string

    grep -rnw -e 'pattern' . # in current dir
    # exclude
    grep -rnw -e 'pattern' --exclude '*.py' .
  • delete recursively a certain patterned file

    # first find them and print them
    find . -name "pattern" | xargs
    # delete them
    find . -name "pattern" | xargs rm -rf
    # delete with exclusion
    find . -name "pattern" | grep -v "" | xargs rm -rf