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curl | sudo bash

set up remotes

follow the instructions:

rclone config

For example, we setup a webdav called nuts:

type = webdav
url =
vendor = other
user =
pass = *** ENCRYPTED ***

show all remotes:

# of course, in config
rclone config
# or just list
rclone listremotes

check remote disk:

rclone about nuts:


  • list

    # ls remote:path 
    # ONLY list files (size and path), by default recursive! 
    rclone ls nuts:/hawia
    rclone ls nuts:hawia # same, default remote directory is /
    rclone ls --max-depth 1 nuts:hawia # limit recurse level
    rclone --max-depth 1 ls nuts:hawia # same, flag can be anywhere
    rclone ls nuts:hawia --max-depth 1 # same
    # lsl remote:path
    # ONLY list files (size, path, modtime), not recursive
    rclone lsl nuts:hawia
    rclone lsl -R nuts:hawia # recursive
    # lsd remote:path
    # ONLY list directories (modtime, path)
    rclone lsd nuts:
    rclone lsd -R nuts: # recursive
    # lsf remote:path
    # list both files and directories (path)
    rclone lsf nuts:
    rclone lsf -R nuts: # recursive
  • copy

    # copy source:sourcepath dest:destpath
    # ignore identical files, never delete remote files, automatically create dest directory if not exist.
    # only copy the CONTENT, not the directory!
    rclone copy ~/data/ nuts:hawia/data/ # cp ~/data/* nuts:/hawia/data/
    rclone copy ~/data nuts:hawia/data # same
    rclone copy -P ~/data nuts:hawia/data # show progress
    rclone copy -i ~/data nuts:hawia/data # dry run (interactive)
    rclone copy --dry-run ~/data nuts:hawia/data # dry run
    rclone copy ~/data nuts:hawia/data --ignore-checksum # ignore checksum  speed up 
    # copy from remote to local
    rclone copy nuts:hawia/data ~/data -P
    # only copy files changed in recent 24h, without travelling the whole directory (efficient!)
    rclone copy --max-age 24h --no-traverse /path/to/src remote:
    # copy single file
    rclone copy ~/test.jpg nuts:hawia/data # cp ~/test.jpg nuts:/hawia/data/
    rclone copy ~/test.jpg nuts:hawia/test.jpg # cp ~/test.jpg nuts:/hawia/test.jpg/ (WRONG USE, it create a folder called test.jpg and then copy the real image to the folder)
    rclone copyto ~/test.jpg nuts:hawia/test.jpg # cp ~/test.jpg nuts:/hawia/test.jpg (CORRECT USE)
    rclone copy nuts:hawia/data/test.jpg data # mkdir -p data && cp nuts:hawia/data/test.jpg data/
    rclone copy nuts:hawia/data/test.jpg . # will do nothing, WRONG USE!
    rclone copyto nuts:hawia/data/test.jpg test.jpg # cp nuts:hawia/data/test.jpg test.jpg (CORRECT USE)
  • sync

    # sync SOURCE remote:DESTINATION
    # make remote identical to local
    # ignore identical files, will delete remote files.
    rclone sync ~/data nuts:hawia/data
    rclone sync -i ~/data nuts:hawia/data # dry run
    rclone sync -P ~/data nuts:hawia/data # show progress
  • delete

    rclone delete remote:path # only delete files
    rclone delete --rmdirs remote:path # also delete empty dirs
    rclone delete --dry-run remote:path # dry run
    # delete file pattern
    rclone delete remote:*.txt # WRONG USE, 400 bad request
    rclone delete remote: --include=*.txt 
    # delete all files smaller thatn 100M
    rclone --min-size 100M lsl remote:path
    rclone --min-size 100M delete remote:path
    # purge: remove the path with all its content
    rclone purge remote:path
    rclone purge -i remote:path # always dry run !
  • cat

    rclone cat remote:path/to/file
    rclone --include "*.txt" cat remote:path/to/dir
  • mkdir

    rclone mkdir remote:path
  • filtering

    the filtering pattern follows a glob style.

    # basic
    *         matches any sequence of non-separator (/) characters
    **        matches any sequence of characters including / separators
    ?         matches any single non-separator (/) character
              character class (must be non-empty)
    { pattern-list }
              pattern alternatives
    c         matches character c (c != *, **, ?, \, [, {, })
    \c        matches reserved character c (c = *, **, ?, \, [, {, })
    # char sets
    Named character classes (e.g. [\d], [^\d], [\D], [^\D])
    Perl character classes (e.g. \s, \S, \w, \W)
    ASCII character classes (e.g. [[:alnum:]], [[:alpha:]], [[:punct:]], [[:xdigit:]])
    # path
    file.jpg   - matches "file.jpg"
               - matches "directory/file.jpg"
               - doesn't match "afile.jpg"
               - doesn't match "directory/afile.jpg"
    /file.jpg  - matches "file.jpg" in the root directory of the remote
               - doesn't match "afile.jpg"
               - doesn't match "directory/file.jpg"

    related flags are --exclude, --include, --filter which is followed by rules, or loading rules from a text file --exclude-from, --include-from, --filter-from.

    ### exclude (should not be used with include/filter)
    # exclude single file at ~/data/test.jpg
    rclone copy ~/data nuts:hawia/data --exclude=/test.jpg
    # exclude by file type
    rclone ls remote: --exclude=*.bak --exclude=*.txt
    # exclude ~/data/somedir/
    rclone copy ~/data nuts:hawia/data --exclude=/somedir/ # trailing / is necessary, this implies a dir rule, which is optimized by not listing the directory at all.
    rclone copy ~/data nuts:hawia/data --exclude=/somedir/** # same effect, but this is a file rule. It still list /somedir/, but ignores all files and subfolders under it.
    rclone copy ~/data nuts:hawia/data --exclude=/somedir/* # a file rule, and it will only exclude files under first level of /somedir/. e.g., /somedir/subdir/file will still be included.
    # exclude ~/data/pattern*/
    rclone copy ~/data nuts:hawia/data --exclude=/pattern*/
    ### include
    # inlcude implies a --exclude ** at last (the flags take effect from end to begin)
    rclone copy /vol remote: --include "{A,B}/**"
    # equals to
    rclone copy /vol1/A remote:A
    rclone copy /vol1/B remote:B

    sample file for --exclude-from:

    # exclude-file.txt

    then you can use

    rclone copy ~/data nuts:hawia/data --exclude-from exclude-file.txt