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Mac shell

Mac shell

Mac use ZSH by default.

The config file is ~/.zshrc, which needs to be created first.

# example zshrc

alias l="ls -lrth"
alias la="ls -lrtha"

alias ..="cd .."
alias ...="cd ../.."
alias ....="cd ../../.."

alias rmr="rm -r"
alias cpr="cp -r"

alias tl="tmux ls -F '[#{session_last_attached_string}] #S'"
alias taa="tmux a"
alias ta="tmux a -t"
alias tk="tmux kill-session"
alias tn="tmux new -s"


Change the appearance from settings --> Profiles.


The all-in-one shell package manager.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Add to PATH after installation:

export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH


# package manager
brew install git tmux htop
brew uninstall ...

# also can install apps (cask)
brew install --cask firefox

# service manager
brew services start/stop/status colima


brew install docker docker-compose colima
colima start/stop/status
brew services start colima
docker ps