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Mac tips


  • Input
    • add Chinese input: settings --> text input --> edit --> +
    • change input method: control + space, or just globe
  • delete is like backspace in Windows, use globe + delete to delete backwards.
  • command is 90% like control in Windows!
    • globe is at the position of Windows control, but it's more like Windows fn and has no use in most cases.
    • remap globe and command: settings --> keyboard --> keyboard shortcuts --> modifier keys
    • command + c/v for copy/paste, but control + c for interruption in shell.
  • command + space: spotlight search (useful to launch other apps)
  • 3-finger-swipe-up: show all windows and change front app!
  • dock and application status
    • a black dot underneath means running in background. It happens when you click left-top-"x". Use command + q to fully exit.
    • left-top-“-” will minimize the window to the right part of the dock, this will put the app in hibernation. Don't use it, instead use 3-finger-swipe-up.
    • dock can be hidden from settings.
  • finder
    • cannot create a new file directly, instead open the corresponding app and save to file.
    • turn on actual path: finder --> view --> show path bar
    • show hidden files: command + shift + .
    • command + x is not Cut, instead use command + c to Copy and command + shift + v to Move (instead of Paste).
    • command + delete to delete a file (move to trash).


  • Terminal: iterm2
  • Screenshot: snipaste
  • Split screen: magnet (buy from app store)