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Chebnet understanding


convolution in spectral domain is just a frequency filter.

let the graph Laplacian is \(n * n\).

\[ \displaylines{ y = UHU'x = Ug_\theta(\lambda)U'x = g_\theta(L)x } \]

but to learn a filter's complicity is \(O(n)\). (there are \(n\) free parameters)

the problem is how to make it faster.

we need parametrization of the filter.

we use Chebyshev polynomial to approximate it.

\[ \displaylines{ g_\theta(\lambda) = diag(\theta) \rightarrow \sum_{k=0}^{K-1}\theta_k\Lambda^k \rightarrow \sum_{k=0}^{K-1}\theta_kT_k(\tilde\Lambda) \\ \Lambda = diag(\lambda)\\ g_\theta(L) \rightarrow Ug_\theta(\lambda)U' = \sum_{k=0}^{K-1}\theta_kT_k(\tilde L) \\ then \ \ \ y = g_\theta(L)x \\ let \ \ \bar{x_k} = T_k(\tilde L)x \\ y = \bar{X}\theta \\ } \]

due to the property of Chebyshev:

\[ \displaylines{ \bar{x_k} = 2\tilde L \bar{x_{k-1}} - \bar{x_{k-2}} \\ \tilde L = 2L/\lambda_{max} - I } \]

so we avoided computing eigenvalues and Fourier basis \(U\) , and just use \(L\) and \(\lambda_{max}\) to recursively calculate \(y\) from \(x\).

time complexity is from \(O(n^2)\) to \(O(K|\mathcal E|)\)


pooling is clustering or cutting for a graph.

graph clustering is NP-hard.

we need multi-level clustering: Graclus, which also need not calculating eigenvalues.

  • Graclus
    • coarsening
    • base-clustering: kernel k-means or spectral clustering
    • refinement: kernel k-means

Then we pool it by adding fake nodes to build a balanced binary tree.

Finally, we feed it to a Fully connected Layer for Output.


  • graph

    grid(m, dtype=np.float32)
    return a meshgrid of [m*m, 2] in [0,1] (uniformly divided by m)
    distance_*(z, k=4, metirc = "euclidean")
      z is a N*M matrix of N examples in dimension M.
      k is the kNN parameter.
      d: N*k matrix, each row is the closest k distance.
      idx: N*k matrix, each row is the closest k index.
    adjacency(dist, idx)
      output of dist_*()
      adjacency matrix of N*N.
      in fact it is a **Mutral** K-NN graph.
    replace_random_edges(A, noise_level)
    just add random noise.
    laplacian(W, normalized=True)
      Adjacency matrix N*N
      graph laplacian
    lmax(L, normalized=True)
    compute Lmax for Chebyshev approximation.
    if not normalized, only calc the largest Eigenvalue.
    fourier(L, algo='eigh', k=1)
    return sorted lamb,U
    in fact, not used in standard cnn_graph.
    plot_spectrum(L, algo="eig")
    input: L is a list of Laplacians.
      plot of lamb values.
    rescale_L(L, lmax=2)
    scale L into [-1, 1], for chebyshev approx.
    \tilde L = 2*L/lmax - I
    chebyshev(L, X, K)
      L: N*N graph laplacian, need to be normalized and rescaled ?
      X: N*M matrix
      K: int, max order
      Xt: K*N*M matrix. Xt[k] is the k order chebyshev 
    lanczos(L, X, K)
  • coarsening

    metis(W, levels, rid=None)
      W: N*N adjacency matrix.
      levels: to coarsen.
      rid: a permutation list of N, if None, set to random.
      graphs: #levels*1 vector of multi-level Adjacency matrix. graphs[0] is W. 
      Supernode' weight is sum of links between its child nodes.
      parents: #(levels-1)*1 vector, cluster_id for each graph.
      rr,cc,vv: ordered non-zero entries of W(N*N).
      rid: as in metis.
      weights: N*1 vector, degree of each node.
      cluster_id: N*1 vector. each node's label of supernode.
    input: output of metis.
    output: reordered permutation to satisfy a binary tree.
      by finding parents and adding fake nodes, we build the unique tree from a $parents list.
    assert (compute_perm([np.array([4,1,1,2,2,3,0,0,3]),np.array([2,1,0,1,0])])
            == [[3,4,0,9,1,2,5,8,6,7,10,11],[2,4,1,3,0,5],[0,1,2]])
    perm_adjacency(A, indices)
      A: adjacency matrix
      indices: eg.compute_perms(parents)[0]
      A: adjacency after adding fake nodes, and sorted by indices.
    coarsen(A, levels, self_connections=False)
      A, levels : as in metis
      self_connections: whether to use self_connection(diag of Adjacency), unimplemented ?
      graphs: as in metis, but sorted and fake nodes added.
      perms[0]: nodes' order of graph[0]
    perm_data(X, indices)
      X: dataset, N*M
      indices: perm[0], returned by coarsen()
      Xnew: dataset sorted and fake nodes added.
  • models

    # tensorflow models
    class base_model:
        evaluate(data, labels)
        fit(train_Data, train_labels, val_data, val_labels)
        inference(data, dropout)
        loss(logits, labels, regularization)
        training(loss, lr, ds, ...)
    class cgcnn(base_model):
        # chebyshev approx
        __init__(self, **params)
        L: normalized graph Laplacian
        F: number of graph conv filters, eg.[32, 64]
        K: polynomial orders, eg.[20, 20]
        p: pooling size eg.[4, 2]
        M: output dim of FC layers, eg.[512, y.max()+1]
        dir_name='' : output directory
        filter='chebyshev5' :
        brelu='b1relu' :
        pool='mpool1' :
        num_epochs=20 :
        learning_rate=0.1 :
        decay_rate=0.95 :
        decay_steps=None :  eg. n_train/batch_size
        momentum=0.9 :
        regularization=0 :
        dropout=0 :
        batch_size=100 :
        eval_frequenct=200 : eg.30*epoch
        the structure of the NN is defined as:
        for i in F,P,K
          * conv of F[i] out_channels
              the chebyshev poly approx order is K[i]
          * pool of P[i] pool_size
        for i in M
          * fc of M[i] out_dims
              (usually the last of M is n_Class)
    # for some examples of parameters:
    common = {}
    common['dir_name']       = 'mnist/'
    common['num_epochs']     = 20
    common['batch_size']     = 100
    common['decay_steps']    = mnist.train.num_examples / common['batch_size']
    common['eval_frequency'] = 30 * common['num_epochs']
    common['brelu']          = 'b1relu'
    common['pool']           = 'mpool1'
    C = max(mnist.train.labels) + 1  # number of classes
    model_perf = utils.model_perf()
    if True:
        name = 'softmax'
        params = common.copy()
        params['dir_name'] += name
        params['regularization'] = 5e-4
        params['dropout']        = 1
        params['learning_rate']  = 0.02
        params['decay_rate']     = 0.95
        params['momentum']       = 0.9
        params['F']              = []
        params['K']              = []
        params['p']              = []
        params['M']              = [C]
        model_perf.test(models.cgcnn(L, **params), name, params,
                        train_data, train_labels, val_data, val_labels, test_data, test_labels)
        NN architecture
        input: M_0 = 1040
        layer 1: logits (softmax)
          representation: M_1 = 10
          weights: M_0 * M_1 = 1040 * 10 = 10400
              biases: M_1 = 10
    # Common hyper-parameters for networks with one convolutional layer.
    common['regularization'] = 0
    common['dropout']        = 1
    common['learning_rate']  = 0.02
    common['decay_rate']     = 0.95
    common['momentum']       = 0.9
    common['F']              = [10]
    common['K']              = [20]
    common['p']              = [1]
    common['M']              = [C]
    if True:
        name = 'cgconv_softmax'
        params = common.copy()
        params['dir_name'] += name
        params['filter'] = 'chebyshev5'
        model_perf.test(models.cgcnn(L, **params), name, params,
                        train_data, train_labels, val_data, val_labels, test_data, test_labels)
        NN architecture
        input: M_0 = 1040
        layer 1: cgconv1
          representation: M_0 * F_1 / p_1 = 1040 * 10 / 1 = 10400
         weights: F_0 * F_1 * K_1 = 1 * 10 * 20 = 200
         biases: F_1 = 10
        layer 2: logits (softmax)
         representation: M_2 = 10
         weights: M_1 * M_2 = 10400 * 10 = 104000
          biases: M_2 = 10
    # Common hyper-parameters for LeNet5-like networks.
    common['regularization'] = 5e-4
    common['dropout']        = 0.5
    common['learning_rate']  = 0.02  # 0.03 in the paper but sgconv_sgconv_fc_softmax has difficulty to converge
    common['decay_rate']     = 0.95
    common['momentum']       = 0.9
    common['F']              = [32, 64]
    common['K']              = [25, 25]
    common['p']              = [4, 4]
    common['M']              = [512, C]
    if True:
        name = 'cgconv_cgconv_fc_softmax'  # 'Chebyshev'
        params = common.copy()
        params['dir_name'] += name
        params['filter'] = 'chebyshev5'
        model_perf.test(models.cgcnn(L, **params), name, params,
                        train_data, train_labels, val_data, val_labels, test_data, test_labels)
    NN architecture
      input: M_0 = 1008
      layer 1: cgconv1
        representation: M_0 * F_1 / p_1 = 1008 * 32 / 4 = 8064
        weights: F_0 * F_1 * K_1 = 1 * 32 * 25 = 800
        biases: F_1 = 32
      layer 2: cgconv2
        representation: M_1 * F_2 / p_2 = 252 * 64 / 4 = 4032
        weights: F_1 * F_2 * K_2 = 32 * 64 * 25 = 51200
        biases: F_2 = 64
      layer 3: fc1
        representation: M_3 = 512
        weights: M_2 * M_3 = 4032 * 512 = 2064384
        biases: M_3 = 512
      layer 4: logits (softmax)
        representation: M_4 = 10
        weights: M_3 * M_4 = 512 * 10 = 5120
        biases: M_4 = 10
  • utils
grid_search(params, grid_params, train_data, train_labels, val_data, val_labels, test_data, test_labels, model)


class model_perf:
    used for testing many structures and show their performance together.
