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Recommender System



Problem Definition

Recommender algorithm can be defined as a matrix completion problem.

We have \(n\) users and \(m\) items, then we get a matrix \(R _{n \times m}\) with sparse entries \(r_{ui}\) as the rating for item \(i\) of user \(u\), and many missing entries.

The goal is to complete the missing entries to estimate unobserved ratings.

CTR (Click-Through Rate) Estimation

an application of recsys. (e.g., in app store)

Each user/item may have additional features to use.

Large scale Recommendation System pipeline

Candidate Generation

Motivation: We don't need to predict a dense \(R\), for each user, only a smaller candidate set is needed.

A coarse & fast model is used.

Content-based filtering

Uses similarity between items to recommend items similar to what the user likes.

Example: If user A watches two cute cat videos, then the system can recommend cute animal videos to that user.

Collaborative filtering

Uses similarities between queries and items simultaneously to provide recommendations.

Example: If user A is similar to user B, and user B likes video 1, then the system can recommend video 1 to user A (even if user A hasn’t seen any videos similar to video 1).

  • ALS is an example of collaborative filtering.
  • DL based.


A precise & slower model is used.


post processing, such as remove explicitly disliked items.

Alternating Least Square (ALS)

Main idea: Matrix factorization.

Define user matrix \(X_{k \times n} = [x_1, x_2, \cdots, x_n]\), item matrix \(Y_{k \times m} = [y_1, y_2, \cdots, y_m]\), with \(k\) dimensional features. (\(k \ll n,m\))

Assume \(R \approx X^TY\).


\[ \displaylines{ \min_{X,Y} \sum_{r_{ui}}^{\text{observed}} (r_{ui} - x_u^Ty_i)^2 + \lambda (\sum_u||x_u||^2+\sum_i||y_i||^2) } \]

This is nonconvex, but we can make a 2-step iterative optimization to separately optimize X and Y:

  • Repeat until Converge: (WHY???)

    • Fix Y, update X
\[ \displaylines{ x_u = (\sum_{r_{ui} \in r_{u*}}y_iy_i^T+\lambda I_k)^{-1} \sum_{r_{ui} \in r_{u*}}r_{ui}y_i } \]

* Fix X, update Y

\[ \displaylines{ y_i = (\sum_{r_{ui} \in r_{*i}}x_ux_u^T+\lambda I_k)^{-1} \sum_{r_{ui} \in r_{*i}}r_{ui}x_u } \]
  • Inference:
\[ \displaylines{ r_{ui} = x_u^Ty_i } \]

Wide & Deep (2016, Google)

wide = Linear Regression (Memorization)

deep = MLP (Generalization)