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  • Thanks

    • Thanks.
    • Thank you.
    • Thanks a lot. / Thank you very much.
    • Thanks a bunch. / Thanks a million.
    • I really appreciate everything you've done.
    • I really don't know how to thank you. / I really can't find the words to express my thanks.
  • Other expression

    • [though not helpful] Thank you anyway / all the same.
    • I owe you one. / I definitely owe you a favour.
    • Thank you for hosting me.
  • Reply to thanks

    • You're (very) welcome.
    • That's quite alright.
    • Don't mention it.
    • My pleasure.
    • No need to thank me.
  • Apologize.

    • Sorry.
    • I'm sorry to ...
    • I'm really sorry for ...
    • I want to apologize for ...
  • Ask for forgive

    • Can you forgive me? / Please forgive me.
    • I didn't mean it. / It wasn't intentional. / I didn't do it on purpose.
  • Reply to apology.

    • Never mind. / No worries.
    • That's ok. Don't worry.
    • It's not a big deal. That's alright.
    • I accept your apology.
  • Congrats
    • Congratulations (on ...)
  • Wish
    • I wish you success / happiness and good health.
    • Have a good trip / time / day.
    • Good luck.
    • All the best.
    • Have fun!
  • Welcome
    • Welcome to China / my home.
    • Come back again!
  • Opinions
    • What do you think of ... ?
    • How do you feel about ... ?
  • Reply to opinions
    • I agree. I couldn't agree more. Absolutely right. Yes, of course.
    • I disagree. I don't think that's right. I have a different opinion. I'm afraid I have to disagree.