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run python in javascript!

  • Python runtime built into WebAssembly.
  • Includes NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scipy, scikit-learn.
  • transparent access between python and js.

example in web browsers

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <script src=""></script>
    Pyodide test page <br>
    Open your browser console to see Pyodide output
    <script type="text/javascript">
      async function main(){
        let pyodide = await loadPyodide({
          indexURL : ""
            import sys
        console.log(pyodide.runPython("print(1 + 2)"));

example in nodejs


npm install pyodide


let pyodide_pkg = await import("pyodide/pyodide.js");

let pyodide = await pyodide_pkg.loadPyodide({
  indexURL: "<pyodide artifacts folder>",

await pyodide.runPythonAsync("1+1");

JS API (namedLikeThis)

  • globals: PyProxy, alias to the global python environment.

  • runPython(code, globals=pyodide.globals): run python code string.
  • runPythonAsync(code): async version, returns a Promise.
  • loadPackage(names): manually load python packages.
  • loadPackagesFromImports(code): automatically inspect the code string and load all packages needed.
  • toPy(obj, options): convert to PyProxy, but used in js.

    Most time we just use JsProxy.to_py() in python.

  • PyProxy: A python object proxied to js.

    • toJs(options): convert to a native js object.

Python API (named_like_this)

  • js: alias to the global js environment (window).
  • JsProxy: A js object proxied to python.
    • to_py(depth=-1): convert to a native python object. (deep conversion by default)
  • pyodide.to_js(obj, depth=-1): convert to JsProxy, but used in python.

    Most time we just use PyProxy.toJs() in js.

Micropip API

  • install(requirements): install given packages and dependencies.

access python from js

  import numpy
  x=numpy.ones((3, 4))
// >>> [ Float64Array(4), Float64Array(4), Float64Array(4) ]

// create the same 3x4 ndarray from js
x = pyodide.globals.get('numpy').ones(new Int32Array([3, 4])).toJs();
// x >>> [ Float64Array(4), Float64Array(4), Float64Array(4) ]

// re-assign a new value to an existing variable
pyodide.globals.set("x", 'x will be now string');

// create a new js function that will be available from Python
// this will show a browser alert if the function is called from Python
pyodide.globals.set("alert", alert);

// this new function will also be available in Python and will return the squared value.
pyodide.globals.set("square", x => x*x);

// You can test your new Python function in the console by running

// avoid memory leak: always delete toJS objects:
let pyproxies = [];
// Do stuff
for(let px of pyproxies){

np array to js:

let proxy = pyodide.globals.get("some_numpy_ndarray");
let buffer = proxy.getBuffer();
try {
  if (buffer.readonly) {
    // We can't stop you from changing a readonly buffer, but it can cause undefined behavior.
    throw new Error("Uh-oh, we were planning to change the buffer");
  let array = new ndarray(,
  // manipulate array here
  // changes will be reflected in the Python ndarray!
} finally {
  buffer.release(); // Release the memory when we're done

python objects to js:

let sys = pyodide.globals.get("sys");

access js from python

import js # js is `window` in browser

# directly modify web
div = js.document.createElement("div")
div.innerHTML = "<h1>This element was created from Python</h1>"

# fetch in python
from js import fetch
resp = await fetch('',
    method= "POST",
    body= '{ "some" : "json" }',
    credentials= "same-origin",

# some proxy methods
x = div
str(x) # x.toString()
len(x) # x.length or x.size
x.typeof # typeof x
await x # await x

js arrays:

self.jsarray = new Float32Array([1,2,3, 4, 5, 6]);
    from js import jsarray
    array = jsarray.to_py()
    import numpy as np
    numpy_array = np.asarray(array).reshape((2,3))

js object to python:

import js
js.document.title = 'New window title'
from js.document.location import reload as reload_page

load python packages

// load official supported packages
await pyodide.loadPackage("numpy");
await pyodide.loadPackage(["cycler", "pytz"]); // multiple at one time

// install from pypi through micropip
await pyodide.runPythonAsync(`
  import micropip
  await micropip.install('snowballstemmer')
  import snowballstemmer
  stemmer = snowballstemmer.stemmer('english')
  print(stemmer.stemWords('go goes going gone'.split()))

// install wheels from url
await pyodide.runPythonAsync(`
  import micropip