并查集 Disjoint-Set
Operations required in O(1)
Merge(A, B)
: merge two sets.Query(A, B)
: query if A and B are in the same set.
Naive Algorithms
Number each element.
is O(1), butMerge
is O(N)
Balanced Binary Tree
will add the depth of a tree.getroot()
may be O(N), N is the tree's depth.
Path Compression (路径压缩)
Improvement of BBT method, by rearranging every node directly to the root when the node is queried (this step may be O(n)). But next time querying it we need only O(1).
int parent[N]; void init(int n){ for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ parent[i]=i; } } // add other data int getRoot(int a){ if(parent[a] != a) parent[a] = getRoot(parent[a]); return parent[a]; } // add other data void merge(a, b){ parent[getRoot(b)] = getRoot(a); } bool query(a, b){ return getRoot(a) == getRoot(b); }
- "In the same set (or have the same root) " means they have a certain relationship, not that they are in the same group.
Weighted Disjoint Set
weights are used to show the relationship between this node and the root node. (not the parent node!!!)
int p[N]; int w[N]; void init(int n){ for (int i = 0;i < n;i++) p[i] = i, w[i] = 0; } int par(int x){ if (x == p[x]) return x; int fx = p[x]; p[x] = par(fx); w[x] = (w[x] + w[fx]) % 3; // iteratively compress w[] return p[x]; } void merge(int x, int y){ int fx = par(x), fy = par(y); p[fy] = fx; // always only change parents w[fy] = (w[x] - w[y] + 3) % 3; }
- POJ1611 the suspects
POJ1988 cube stacking
When to change
to keep O(1) time complexity?only change (original) root's
. When querying child node'sunder
, sum it until root and do path compression.#include <iostream> using namespace std; const int maxn = 30005; int N, M; int p[maxn], sum[maxn], under[maxn]; void init(int N) { for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { p[i] = i; sum[i] = 1; under[i] = 0; } } int par(int x) { if (p[x] == x) return x; int f = p[x]; p[x] = par(f); under[x] += under[f]; return p[x]; } void merge(int x, int y) { int fx = par(x); int fy = par(y); p[fy] = fx; under[fy] = sum[fx]; sum[fx] += sum[fy]; } char c; int x, y; int main() { init(maxn); cin >> M; for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) { cin >> c; if (c == 'C') { cin >> x; par(x); cout << under[x] << endl; } else { cin >> x >> y; merge(y, x); } } }
POJ1182 food chains
use vector to deduce the formula of
.Relationship between objects are usually a circuit.
fx <- ??? - fy ^ ^| |w[x] w[y]||-w[y] ===> ??? = (w[x] - w[y] + d - 1 + 3) %3 | |v // +3 for safety x <-(d-1)-- y // d=1 means the same, d=2 means x eats y so w'[y] is 1.
#include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; const int maxN = 50005; int par[maxN]; int dis[maxN]; void init(int n) { for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) par[i] = i; } int parent(int x) { if (par[x] == x) return par[x]; int f = par[x]; par[x] = parent(f); dis[x] = (dis[x] + dis[f]) % 3; return par[x]; } void merge(int d, int x, int y) { int fx = parent(x); int fy = parent(y); par[fy] = fx; dis[fy] = (dis[x] - dis[y] + d + 2) % 3; } bool query(int x, int y) { return parent(x) == parent(y); } int main() { int N, K, D, X, Y; int res = 0; memset(dis, 0, sizeof(dis)); cin >> N >> K; init(N); for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) { cin >> D >> X >> Y; if (X > N || Y > N) { res++; continue; } if (!query(X, Y)) { merge(D, X, Y); } else if (D == 1) { if (dis[X] != dis[Y]) { res++; } } else if (D == 2) { if (dis[Y] != (dis[X] + 1) % 3) { res++; } } } cout << res << endl; }
A bug's Life
ditto but mod 2 for same or different.
#include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; const int maxN = 2005; int p[maxN]; int w[maxN]; void init(int n) { for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { p[i] = i; w[i] = 0; } } int parent(int x) { if (p[x] == x) return p[x]; int f = p[x]; p[x] = parent(f); w[x] = (w[x] + w[f]) % 2; return p[x]; } void merge(int x, int y) { int fx = parent(x); int fy = parent(y); p[fy] = fx; w[fy] = (w[x] - w[y] +1) % 2; } bool query(int x, int y) { return parent(x) == parent(y); } int main() { int S, N, I, a, b; bool flag = false; cin >> S; for (int s = 1; s <= S; s++) { cin >> N >> I; init(N); flag = false; if (s != 1) cout << endl; for (int i = 0; i < I; i++) { cin >> a >> b; if (flag) continue; // in the same tree, maybe suspicious if (query(a, b)) { if (w[a] == w[b]) { flag = true; } } else merge(a, b); } cout << "Scenario #" << s << ":" << endl; if(flag) cout << "Suspicious bugs found!" << endl; else cout << "No suspicious bugs found!" << endl; } }
Mayor's poster
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include <set> using namespace std; const int maxn = 20005; // 2*maxPosters, start+end int N; int par[maxn]; void init(int n) { for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) par[i] = i; } int findpar(int n) { if (n == par[n]) return n; par[n] = findpar(par[n]); return par[n]; } // discretization vector<int> order; vector<pair<int, int>> posters; int getindex(vector<int>& order, int key) { return lower_bound(order.begin(), order.end(), key) - order.begin(); } int main() { int cas, x, y; cin >> cas; while (cas--) { cin >> N; order.clear(); posters.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { cin >> x >> y; order.push_back(x); order.push_back(y); posters.push_back(pair<int, int>(x, y)); } sort(order.begin(), order.end()); // unique returns new vector's end iterator. order.erase(unique(order.begin(), order.end()), order.end()); // discretize poster's regions for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { posters[i].first = getindex(order, posters[i].first); posters[i].second = getindex(order, posters[i].second); } init(order.size()); int res = 0; for (int i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--) { bool flag = false; for (int j = posters[i].first; j <= posters[i].second; j = findpar(j)) { if (par[j] == j) { flag = true; par[j] = j + 1; j++; } } if (flag) res++; } cout << res << endl; } }