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To prove a problem is NPC, we need to:

  • show it belongs to NP, by showing a non-deterministic polynomial-time algorithm.
  • show it is NP-hard, by reducing from a known NP-hard problem (e.g., SAT, 3-SAT, ...).

Known NPC problems


  • Partition: Partition a set of numbers into two subsets with the same sum.

    Can be reduced from Subset-sum, and is a limited case of 0-1 knapsack.

Undirected Hamiltonian Cycle

Theorem 9.13 in the book.

  • First, guess an ordering of the vertices, it is easy to verify in polynomial time if it is a HC.
  • Second, we reduce from Directed Hamiltonian Cycle (which is known to be NP-hard by reducing from 3-SAT).

    The essence is to represent directed edge through undirected edge.

    Construction: for a Directed Graph \(G = <V, E>\), the correspond Undirected Graph is \(G' = <V', E'>\), where $$ V' = {v^{in}, v^{mid}, v^{out} | v \in V} \ E' = {(u^{out}, v^{in})| \in E} \cup{(v^{in}, v^{mid}), (v^{mid}, v^{out}) | v \in V} $$ Now we prove that G has directed HC if and only if G' has undirected HC.

    \(\Rightarrow\): easy, just connect the two corresponding edges.

    \(\Leftarrow\): note that the only way to include \(v^{mid}\) is to include \((v^{in}, v^{mid}), (v^{mid}, v^{out})\), so we can find the corresponding directed cycle in G.

  • Side note: Can we leave out \(v^{mid}\) and use \(V' = \{v^{in}, v^{out} | v \in V\}\) ?

    No, a counter example is given by:


Strongly Independent Set

The following is a version of the Independent Set problem. You are given a graph G = (V, E) and an integer k. For this problem, we will call a set I ⊆ V strongly independent if for any two nodes v, u ∈ I, the edge (v, u) does not belong to E, and there is also no path of 2 edges from u to v, i.e., there is no node w such that both (u, w) ∈ E and (w, v) ∈ E. The Strongly Independent Set problem is to decide whether G has a strongly independent set of size k. Prove that the Strongly Independent Set problem is NP-complete.


  • Checking membership in NP is again straightforward.
  • We reduce from independent set. Let G, k be an input to the independent set problem. We map it to an input to the Strongly Independent Set problem.

    For every edge e in G, we subdivide it by adding a new vertex ve, i.e., if e = (u, v) is an edge, then we replace it by two edges : (u, ve), (ve, v).

    Further, we form a clique over all the new vertices ve. Call this new graph G0 .

    Now check that if S is an independent set in G, then the same set of vertices is a strongly independent set in G0 .

    Conversely, let S be a strongly independent set in G0 . First observe that k > 1 (otherwise, the reduction is trivially correct). Now S cannot contain any of the new vertices ve (because any other vertex in G0 is reachable from ve by a path of length 2). Therefore, S contains vertices which correspond to those in G. Now check that these vertices form an independent set in S.

Minimum Sum of Squares, 17
