Binary Tree
Every Node has 5 forms:
NULL, only root, root + left child, root + right child, root + both children.
N nodes can make how many different BTs?
Catalan Number:\(\frac{1}{n+1}C_{2n}^n\)
How many edges does a BT with N nodes have?
Yet another deduction of Catalan Number:
template <class T>
struct node{
node* left, right;
T data;
node(const T& d) {data = d;}
template <class T>
struct BinaryTree{
node* root;
BinaryTree() {root=NULL;}
void addLeft(node* r, const T& d);
void addRight(node* r, const T& d);
Some Special forms
满二叉树(Full BT)
Every node's degree is either 0 or 2.
完全二叉树(Complete BT)
Only the nodes in the last two layers can have degrees less than 2.
The last layer's nodes are aligned continuously from left to right.
Leaves only exist in the last two layers.
- 扩充二叉树
* 定义:把空指针全部替换为空树叶(外部节点)。
* 性质:
扩充二叉树是满二叉树。 外部节点个数为内部节点数加一。($N_0 = N_2 + 1$) **外部路径长度E,内部路径长度I,内部节点个数n,则$E= I + 2n$** 归纳法证明:
- (满二叉树定理):非空满二叉树\(N_0 = N_2 + 1\)
(满二叉树定理推论):非空二叉树空指针数\(P = N + 1\),N为总结点数。
* 实际上,任意二叉树\(N_0 = N_2 + 1\)
* 第\(i\)层(根节点规定为第0层)最多有\(2^i\)个节点。
* 二叉树的高度即层数,深度即最长路径长度。
高度为$K$的二叉树最多有$2^K - 1$个节点。($\sum_{i=0}^{K-1}2^i$)
* N个节点的完全二叉树高度为\(ceil(log_2(N+1))\)
$2^{k-1}-1 \lt N \le 2^k-1$
第$n$层的首元素为$2^n-1$ (从零开始编号)
* N个节点的完全二叉树节点从上到下从左到右从零开始编号(数组存储):
* 根节点$i=0$,最后一个节点$i=n-1$
* $i$的父节点$floor((i-1)/2)$
* $i$的左子节点为$2i+1$,右子节点$2i+2$ (大于$n-1$则不存在)
* $i$为偶数时左兄弟为$i-1$,$i$为奇数时右兄弟为$i+1$ (不在范围内则不存在)
DFS (Recursion)
- Prefix: Root --> Left --> Right
- Infix: Left --> Root --> Right
- Postfix: Left --> Right --> Root
// prefix void prefix(node* root){ stack<node<T>*> stk; node* p = root; stk.push(NULL); // end condition for while. while(p){ visit(p); if(p->right!=NULL) stk.push(p->right); if(p->left!=NULL) p = p->left; else p =, stk.pop(); } } // infix void infix(node* root){ stack<node<T>*> stk; node* p = root; while(!stk.empty() || p){ if(p){ stk.push(p); p = p->left; } else{ p =, stk.pop(); visit(p); p = p->right; } } } // postfix // slightly complicated, for we need to additional tags. enum Tags{left, right}; template <class T> struct stackElement{ node<T>* p; Tags tag; }; void postfix(node* root){ stack<stackElement<T>*> stk; stackElement<T> ele; node* p = root; while(!stk.empty() || p){ if(p!=NULL){ ele.p = p; ele.tag = left; stk.push(ele); p = p->left; } else{ ele =, stk.pop(); if(ele.tag == left){ ele.tag = right; stk.push(ele); p = p->right; } else{ visit(p); p = NULL; // continue popping } } } }
//My implementation of a toy tree. #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <set> using namespace std; struct node { node *l, *r; char data; }; string res; void visit(node* n) { res += n->data; } void prefix(node* root) { if (root != NULL) { visit(root); prefix(root->l); prefix(root->r); } } void prefix2(node* root) { stack<node*> stk; node* n = root; while (n) { visit(n); if(n->r != NULL) stk.push(n->r); if(n->l != NULL) stk.push(n->l); if (stk.empty()) return; n =; stk.pop(); } } void infix(node* root) { if (root != NULL) { infix(root->l); visit(root); infix(root->r); } } void infix2(node* root) { stack<node*> stk; set<node*> vis; node* n = root; while (n) { if (n->l != NULL && !vis.count(n->l)) { if (n->r != NULL) stk.push(n->r); stk.push(n); n = n->l; } else { if (n->r != NULL && !vis.count(n->l)) stk.push(n->r); // null left sub tree visit(n); vis.insert(n); if (stk.empty()) return; n =; stk.pop(); } } } void postfix(node* root) { if (root != NULL) { postfix(root->l); postfix(root->r); visit(root); } } void postfix2(node* root) { stack<node*> stk; set<node*> vis; node* n = root; while (n) { // left first if (n->l != NULL && !vis.count(n->l)) { stk.push(n); if (n->r != NULL) stk.push(n->r); n = n->l; } // right second else if (n->r != NULL && !vis.count(n->r)) { stk.push(n); n = n->r; } // finally root else { visit(n); vis.insert(n); if (stk.empty()) return; n =; stk.pop(); } } } // NB! Universal DFS algorithm. enum tag{Left, Right}; struct element { node* n; tag t; }; void dfs(node* root, int order) { stack<element> stk; element ele; node* n = root; while (!stk.empty() || n) { while (n != NULL) { if (order == 0) visit(n); //prefix ele.n = n; ele.t = Left; stk.push(ele); n = n->l; } ele =; stk.pop(); n = ele.n; if (ele.t == Left) { if (order == 1) visit(n); //infix ele.t = Right; stk.push(ele); n = n->r; } else { if (order == 2) visit(n); //postfix n = NULL; } } } void bfs(node* root) { queue<node*> que; que.push(root); while (!que.empty()) { node* cur = que.front(); que.pop(); visit(cur); if (cur->l != NULL) que.push(cur->l); if (cur->r != NULL) que.push(cur->r); } } void preRebuild(node*& root, string infix, string prefix) { int len = infix.length(); if (len == 0) return; // null left sub tree char r = prefix[0]; int pos = infix.find(r); if (root == NULL) root = new node(); root->data = r; if (len == 1) return; // leaves preRebuild(root->l, infix.substr(0, pos), prefix.substr(1, pos)); preRebuild(root->r, infix.substr(pos + 1, len - pos - 1), prefix.substr(pos + 1, len - pos - 1)); } void postRebuild(node*& root, string infix, string postfix) { int len = infix.length(); if (len == 0) return; // null left sub tree char r = postfix.back(); int pos = infix.find(r); if (root == NULL) root = new node(); root->data = r; if (len == 1) return; // leaves postRebuild(root->l, infix.substr(0, pos), postfix.substr(0, pos)); postRebuild(root->r, infix.substr(pos + 1, len - pos - 1), postfix.substr(pos, len - pos - 1)); } void del(node* root) { if (root != NULL) { del(root->l); del(root->r); delete root; } } int main() { node* rt = NULL; preRebuild(rt, "DGFHBAICME", "ABDFGHCIEM"); res = ""; postfix(rt); cout << res << endl; res = ""; postfix2(rt); cout << res << endl; res = ""; bfs(rt); cout << res << endl; }
- Dynamic Bifurcated Linked List
- Static Sequential List ( (nearly) Complete Binary Tree)
Binary Search Tree (BST) 二叉排序/搜索树
struct node { node* L, R; int data; }; // node* root = build(NULL, data[0]) node* build(node* root, int d){ root = new node(); root->data = d; return root; } void insert(node* root, int d){ if(root->data == d) return; else if (root->data < d){ if(root->R == NULL){ root->R = build(root->R, d); return; } else insert(root->R, d); } else{ if(root->L == NULL){ root->L = build(root->L, d); return; } else insert(root->L, d); } } node* parent(node* root, node* p){ if(root == p) return NULL; else if(root->L == p || root->R == p) return root; else if(root->L != NULL) return parent(root->L, p); else if(root->R != NULL) return parent(root->R, p); else return NULL; } // non-recursive void del(node* root, node* p){ node* fp = parent(root, p); // left sub tree is empty: naive if(p->L == NULL){ if(fp->L == p) fp->L = p->R; else fp->R = p->R; } // find left subtree's largest value, replace p with it and delete p. // or find right subtree's smallest value, replace p and delete. else{ node* lmax = p->L; node* lpar = p; while(lmax->R != NULL) { lpar = lmax; lmax = lmax->R; } lpar->R = NULL; lmax->L = p->L; lmax->R = p->R; if(fp->L == p) fp->L = lmax; else fp->R = lmax; } delete p; }
定理:随机构造\(n\)个不同节点的二叉搜索树的平均深度为\(O(log\ n)\),期望内部路径总和为\(O(nlog\ n)\)
Harmonic Series:
Another version of proof:
Heap 堆
const int maxN = 1000; int N; int arr[maxN]; // sink i until it is smaller than its children void siftdown(int i){ int tmp = arr[i]; int j = 2*i+1; while(j<N){ if( j<N-1 && arr[j]>arr[j+1]) j++; if(tmp>arr[j]){ arr[i] = arr[j]; i = j; j = 2*j+1; } else break; } arr[i] = tmp; } // lift i until its parent is smaller than it (or to top). void siftup(int i){ int tmp = arr[i]; while(i>0 && arr[(i-1)/2]>tmp){ arr[i] = arr[(i-1)/2]; i = (i-1)/2; } arr[i] = tmp; } // change arr into a min heap, O(n) void build(int root){ // N/2-1 is the last father. for(int i = N/2 - 1; i>=0; i--){ siftdown(i); } } // O(logn) bool insert(int d){ if(N == maxN) return false; arr[N] = d; // add new data to the bottom siftup(N); N++; return true; } // O(logn) int pop(){ if(N==0) return -1; swap(arr[0], arr[--N]); // swap to bottum (out of heap) if(N>1) siftdown(0); return arr[N]; } // remove position i ans assign deleted val to node, O(logn) bool remove(int i, int& node){ if(i<0 || i>=N) return false; int tmp = arr[i]; arr[i] = arr[--N]; siftup(i); siftdown(i); node = tmp; return true; }
Priority Queue
Huffman Tree (最优二叉树)
- 前缀编码方式:每棵子树左枝标0,右枝标1,从根到叶连接即该叶子的编码。任何一个字符的编码都不是另一个字符编码的前缀(反编码唯一)。
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <stack> #include <vector> #include <queue> #include <set> using namespace std; const int K = 2; struct node { node* children[K]; int w; node(int w) :w(w) { for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) children[i] = NULL; } node(int w, node** _children) :w(w) { for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) children[i] = _children[i]; } bool operator<(const node& b) const{ return w < b.w; } }; vector<node*> tree; node* build(vector<int>& weights) { tree.clear(); int N = weights.size(); // add virtual nodes !!! for (int i = 0; i < K - 1 - (N - 1) % (K - 1); i++) weights.push_back(0); priority_queue<node*> q; for (int w : weights) { tree.push_back(new node(w)); q.push(tree.back()); } while (true) { node* vs[K]; int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) { vs[i] =; sum += vs[i]->w; q.pop(); } tree.push_back(new node(sum, vs)); if (q.empty()) return tree.back(); q.push(tree.back()); } } int res = 0; // weighted route length void WRL(node* root, int depth) { bool nil = true; for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) { if (root->children[i] != NULL) { WRL(root->children[i], depth + 1); nil = false; } } if (nil) res += depth * root->w; } // copied code for K=2 only int _print_t(node *tree, int is_l, int offset, int depth, char s[20][255]) { char b[20]; int width = 5; if (!tree) return 0; sprintf(b, "(%03d)", tree->w); int l = _print_t(tree->children[0], 1, offset, depth + 1, s); int r = _print_t(tree->children[1], 0, offset + l + width, depth + 1, s); for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) s[depth][offset + l + i] = b[i]; if (depth && is_l) { for (int i = 0; i < width + r; i++) s[depth - 1][offset + l + width / 2 + i] = '-'; s[depth - 1][offset + l + width / 2] = '.'; } else if (depth && !is_l) { for (int i = 0; i < l + width; i++) s[depth - 1][offset - width / 2 + i] = '-'; s[depth - 1][offset + l + width / 2] = '.'; } return l + width + r; } void print_t(node *tree) { char s[20][255]; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) sprintf(s[i], "%80s", " "); _print_t(tree, 0, 0, 0, s); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) printf("%s\n", s[i]); } int main() { vector<int> weights{ 1,4,9,6,8,10,12 }; node* root = build(weights); print_t(root); res = 0; WRL(root, 0); cout << res << endl; }