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Roaming in Computer System

The compilation system

# compile
gcc -o hello hello.c

What happened:

  • preprocessor (cpp): hello.c --> hello.i
  • compiler (ccl): hello.i --> hello.s
  • assembler (as): hello.s --> hello.o
  • linker (ld): hello.o, printf.o, ... --> hello

Hardware Organization of a System


  • CPU

    • PC (program counter): a word length (8 Byte for 64-bit system) pointer to the current command.
    • Registers
    • ALU (Algorithmic/Logic Unit)
  • Main Memory
  • IO devices
  • IO Bridge (system bus, memory bus, IO bus)

Memory hierarchy: Balance between Access Speed and Storage Size!

  • Register: 100~1000 B
  • L1 Cache: 10~100 KB
  • L2 Cache: 0.1~10 MB
  • L3 Cache: 10~100 MB
  • Main Memory: 1~100 GB
  • Disk: 1~1000 TB

Memory Organization:


Concurrency and Parallelism

Amdahl's Law: How much can a program be accelerated.


Different methods:

  • Thread-level Concurrency
  • Instruction-level Parallelism
  • SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) Parallelism