A method that uses 64 printable characters (base64) to encode binary message to make it printable.
characters(url_safe): A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +(-), /(_)
padding character: =
It encodes every 3 byte binary string to 4 byte base64 string.
chars = {i:c for i,c in enumerate(['A', ..., '/'])}
rev_chars = {v,k for k,v in chars.items()}
def base64_encode(b):
# b is a binary string (by byte, so divisible by 8 bits)
s = ''
# pad 0 to make it divisible by 6 bits
# (some method also pads = to result s)
if len(b) % 24 == 8:
b += '0000'
elif len(b) % 24 == 16:
b += '00'
# encode every 6 bits
for i in range(0, len(b), 6):
c = binary_to_int(b[i:i+6])
s += chars[c]
return s
def base64_decode(s):
b = ''
for c in s:
b += int_to_binary(c)
return b
python API
import base64
bs = b'abinarystring'
bs64 = base64.b64encode(bs) # b'YWJpbmFyeXN0cmluZw=='
bs == base64.b64decode(bs64) # True
Note the difference between bytes and strings.
# Bytes vs String
s = 'test'
bs = b'test'
str.encode(s) == s.encode() == bs # True
bs.decode() == s # True