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Pitfalls & Tricks


Panel is used to represent a box-like UI, e.g.

  • background panel for other UI elements.
  • a round-corner boundary, to show "highlight" effect.

To change the look, we need to create a new StyleBox inside Inspector > Theme Overrides > Styles > Panel



Note that mouse_exited will be triggered if the mouse enter a child Control/CollisionObject2D element!

To avoid this, we need to set mouse filter in Inspector:


  • Stop (default): not applying filter, i.e., it will trigger mouse signals normally.
  • Ignore: ignore all mouse signals.


signal screen_exited()

Useful to delete objects out of screen.

# node tree
-> VisibleOnScreenNotifier2D 

# connect screen_exited to Area2D and impl:
func _on_visible_on_screen_notifier_2d_screen_exited():

Different Resolutions

The base size can be set in Project Settings --> Display --> Window --> Size

For high-resolution non-pixel desktop games, we can start from base size of 3840 x 2160 (4K).

If you are developing with a smaller monitor, change Window Width/Height Override (need to check advanced settings) to a smaller size (like 1920x1080), so the debugging window won't go beyond your monitor.

Then we need to allow resize (keep aspect ratio) the window by setting:

  • Stretch mode = canvas_items
  • Stretch aspect = expand

Now your window start from 1920x1280 but renders high quality images and automatically downscale them!

Correctly get window size:

var window = get_window()
# actual size of current window
print(window.size) # e.g., 1920x1080
# size before scaling
print(window.content_scale_size) # 3820x2160

Steps for a new project

  • Configure viewport resolution in Project settings --> Display --> Window --> Size .
  • Configure main scene in Project settings --> Application --> Run.