Spherical Harmonics (SH)
- Basis Functions: A set of orthonormal functions used to represent other functions via linear combination (like Polynomial series and Fourier series.).
SH is A set of 2D basis functions \(B_i(\omega) = Y_l^m(\theta,\phi)\) defined on the sphere. (as an analogue to 1D Fourier series.)
the exact form is complicated: $$ {\displaystyle Y_{\ell }^{m}(\theta ,\ \varphi )=(-1)^{m}{\sqrt {{(2\ell +1) \over 4\pi }{(\ell -|m|)! \over (\ell +|m|)!}}}\,P_{\ell }^{m}(\cos {\theta })\,e^{im\varphi }\,!} \ P_{\ell }^{m}(x)=(1-x^{2})^{{|m|/2}}\ {\frac {d^{{|m|}}}{dx^{{|m|}}}}P_{\ell }(x)\, \ P_{\ell }(x)={1 \over 2^{\ell }\ell !}{d^{\ell } \over dx^{\ell }}(x^{2}-1)^{l} $$
- For any function \(f\) defined on the sphere, we can represent it with a linear combination of SHs (usually truncated):
SH property (orthonormal):
SH property (projection): the coefficient can be obtained with:
9 Parameter Approximation:
Use the first 3 orders of SH (9 parameters) is enough for approximating diffuse BRDF.
Precomputed Radiance Transfer
Basic idea:
- Assume the scene is static, so only light conditions can vary.
- view the rendering function as lighting and light transport (or bounce, in fact the visibility & BRDF).
* approximate lighting with SH.
* For the diffuse case, BRDF is constant so $\rho(i,o) = \rho$ :
L = L(o) = \rho\int_\Omega {L(i)} V(i)\max(0, n \cdot i) di \\
\approx \rho\int_\Omega \sum c_jB_j(i)V(i)\max(0, n \cdot i) di \\
= \rho\sum c_j\underbrace{\int_\Omega B_j(i)V(i)\max(0, n \cdot i) di}_{T_j \text{ (pre-compute!)}} \\
=\rho\sum c_j T_j
We need to save a vector $T_j$ for each point.
Another way to calculate it (with a more formal rendering function):
L_o(p,o)=\int_\Omega L_i(p,i)f_r(p,i,o)\cos\theta_iV(p,i)di \\
\approx \int_\Omega \sum_pc_pB_p(i)\sum_qd_qB_q(i)di \\
= \sum_p\sum_qc_qd_p\int_\Omega B_p(i)B_q(i)di \\
= \sum_jc_jd_j
* For the glossy case, BRDF is not constant and is dependent on $(i,o)$.
L(o) = \int_\Omega {L(i)} V(i)\rho(i,o)\max(0, n \cdot i) di \\
\approx \sum_j c_jT_j(o) \\
\approx \sum_jc_j\sum_kt_{j,k}B_k(o)
Now we need to save a matrix for each point.
SH property (rotation): any rotated SH basis function, can be represented with a linear combination of basis functions of the same level.
So to rotate the lighting, we don't need to re-compute \(T_j\), but apply the rotation on \(T_j\).
- With PRT, rendering at each point is reduced to a dot product between a vector and another vector (diffuse) or matrix (glossy), and can be easily implemented in real-time.