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Advanced bash

brace expansion

echo a{b,c}d
# abd acd

mkdir tmp/{a,b}/c
# tmp/a/c, tmp/b/c

run & interrupt parallel commands

# start three progx in parallel, and make sure these can be killed in one ctrl-c
(trap 'kill 0' SIGINT; 
prog1 & 
prog2 & 

kill 0: a special command to kill all processes in the current group (usually this means all programs started in the current shell).

The trap command will wait until caught the signal SIGING and then call the command kill 0, another example:

# Run something important, no Ctrl-C allowed.
# "" means run nothing, thus ignore the signal.
trap "" SIGINT

# Less important stuff from here on out, Ctrl-C allowed.
# - is used to reset the default behaviour
trap - SIGINT