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  • options
    • --: disable further option processing.
    • -i: interactive
    • -l: login-shell
  • man [command] : show manual for command
  • apropos [reg-exp]: search in the DESCRIPTION field of all manuals.
  • shortcuts
    • ctrl-w delete last word
    • ctrl-a/e: move cursor to the beginning/ending.
    • ctrk-l: clear screen
    • alt-b/f: move cursor word-wise
    • alt-#: comment the current command and run it.
  • !$ the parameters from the last command.
  • pgrep -a [pattern]: list processes matching pattern. (a means list-all)
    • similar to ps aux | grep [pattern]
  • pkill [pattern]: kill processes matching pattern.
  • traceback bash error:

    set -euo pipefail
    trap "echo 'error: Script failed: see failed command above'" ERR
  • locally move working directory:

    # do something in current dir
    (cd /some/other/dir && other-command)
    # continue in original dir
  • login shells v.s. non-login shells

    • /etc/profile, ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile: for login shells (the first process that executes under your user ID, e.g., by su or ssh)
    • ~/.bashrc: for interactive non-login shells (shells started in an existing session).
  • sudo -u [user]: run command as user.
  • repren: batch rename

    • [tbc]
  • the fastest way to delete large amount of files:

    mkdir empty && rsync -r --delete empty/ some-dir && rmdir some-dir
  • tac: reversed cat
  • ncdu: n-curses version du.
  • tar xf <file>: one command to uncompress all kind of tar/tar.xz/tar.gz