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Qt is a fucking commercial software, and all its free releases are to disgust you.

You must register to download even the free version.

Docs at:

TUNA mirror (always god!):

Official (slow):

To manage different Qt versions, use PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Qt 5.5.1 ~ 5.9.7

The default version, in /usr/libx86_64-linux-gnu/.

what sudo apt install qt-default will install.

However, this is terribly outdated, e.g., PyQt5, PySide2 do not support it.

Qt 5.12.11

The last version that supports a GUI installer.

download at:

wget -c

chmod u+x ./
sudo ./

Install the following [Yes], which takes ~ 1.5G:

-- Qt 5.15.11
    -- gcc_64 [Yes]
    -- Sources [No, don't need] 
    -- Qt Charts [Yes]
    -- Qt PDF [Yes]
    -- Qt ... [Yes]
    -- Qt Script (Deprecated) [Yes]
-- Qt Creator [Yes]

It is installed in /opt/Qt5.12.11/ by default, and you need to manually add to ~/.bashrc:

export PATH="/opt/Qt5.12.11/5.12.11/gcc_64/bin:$PATH"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/Qt5.12.11/5.12.11/gcc_64/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"

check by:

. ~/.bashrc
qmake -v
# should output Qt5.12.11 at /opt/Qt5.12.11/5.12.11/lib
PyQt5 support
pip install PyQt5==5.12.11
# do not install the default version, which is for 5.15

Qt 5.15

You must build it from source.

download at:

docs at: