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  • general

    -a: archive mode, equals, -rlptgoD, in a word, it is recursive and preserve almost everything from source to target.
    -v: verbose
    -P: equals --progress --partial, show progress, and allow resume.
  • Copy with exclusion

    # copy source to destination, excluding source/folder
    rsync -avP source/ destination --exclude folder
    # exclude multiple
    rsync -avP source/ destination --exclude=folder --exclude=folder2 # must add =
    rsync -avP source/ destination --exclude={folder,folder2} # brace expansion, no space after the comma !!!
  • alternative of scp

    # default port 22
    rsync -avP -e ssh local_file user@ip:remote_file
    # custom ssh port
    rsync -avP -e "ssh -p 23" local_file user@ip:remote_file
  • Super fast remove (for large and recursive directories)

    mkdir empty_dir
    rsync -a --delete empty_dir/ dir_to_delete/ # much more faster than rm -rf
    rm -rf empty_dir