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Ps kill


# find by name
ps aux | grep <name>

# find by pid
ps aux | grep <pid>


kill by pid. single wrapper to kill system call.

kill [-<signal>] <pid>

# equivalent:
kill -9 <pid>
kill -KILL <pid>
kill -SIGKILL <pid>

# 1: HUP, hang up or restart.
# 2: INT, Ctrl+C
# 9: KILL
# 15: TERM, default
# 19: STOP, Ctrl+Z


kill by name.

killall [-<signal>] <name>

# kill all processes of a user
killall -user <user>

# case in-sensitive
killall -I <name>


kill by name, use pgrep for matching.

pkill [-<signal>] <pattern>

# kill root's command that match name
pkill -u root name

# kill all processes of a user
pkill -u <user>