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Community Applications: The Ultra Proxy Guide.


Unraid plugins rely on GitHub. Specifically, it needs to access and to fetch data.

manually Install CA

  • download the plugin in your PC:
  • name it CA.plg and upload to /boot/config/plugins/.
  • go to Plugin Tab and install from the local file. It should still fail when downloading community.applications-***.txz.
  • manually download from the URL and upload it to /boot/config/plugins/community.applications/. (The path can be found in the source of plg by searching <FILE tag).
  • go to Plugin Tab and install from the local file.


Use docker to setup proxy

Since the terminal of unraid do not support package manager (and the alternative nerdpack is also a plugin), we would like to use docker to setup trojan proxy.

  • set up docker mirrors:

    # docker mirrors
    mkdir -p /etc/docker
    tee /etc/docker/daemon.json <<- "EOF"
        "registry-mirrors" : [
  • prepare the config.json for trojan and put it to /boot/trojan/config.json. The local_port must be 1086!

        "run_type": "client",
        "local_addr": "",
        "local_port": 1086,
        "remote_addr": "[your domain]",
        "remote_port": 443,
        "password": [
        "log_level": 1,
        "ssl": {
            "verify": false,
            "verify_hostname": false,
            "cert": "",
            "key": "",
            "key_password": "",
            "cipher_tls13": "TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384",
            "prefer_server_cipher": true,
            "alpn": [
            "alpn_port_override": {
                "h2": 81
            "reuse_session": true,
            "session_ticket": false,
            "session_timeout": 600,
            "plain_http_response": "",
            "curves": "",
            "dhparam": ""
        "tcp": {
            "prefer_ipv4": false,
            "no_delay": true,
            "keep_alive": true,
            "reuse_port": false,
            "fast_open": false,
            "fast_open_qlen": 20
        "mysql": {
            "enabled": false,
            "server_addr": "",
            "server_port": 3306,
            "database": "trojan",
            "username": "trojan",
            "password": "",
            "key": "",
            "cert": "",
            "ca": ""
  • pull and start the prepared image in terminal:

    docker pull ashawkey/trojan-privoxy-client
    # the default proxy:
    # socks5://
    docker run -d --name tpc -v /boot/config/trojan:/etc/trojan -p 1086:1086 -p 1087:1087 ashawkey/trojan-privoxy-client
    # for custom config path and port:
    # docker run -d --name tpc -v $config_dir:/etc/trojan -p $socks5_port:1086 -p $http_port:1087 ashawkey/trojan-privoxy-client

    you could see the docker running smoothly in the Docker Tab.

  • Turn on auto-restart of this container.

Configure proxy settings for CA

  • Apps Tab: use curl to fetch.

    CA plugin provides an explicit proxy.cfg to set the curl proxy (The code is located here).

    Create /flash/config/plugins/community.applications/proxy.cfg and put:

  • Install Plugin: use wget to fetch (The code can be found in /usr/local/sbin/plugin).

    Add to /boot/config/go:

    # emhttp
    http_proxy="" https_proxy="" /usr/local/sbin/emhttp &
    # terminal
    echo "export http_proxy=\"\"" >> /root/.bash_profile 
    echo "export https_proxy=\"\"" >> /root/.bash_profile
  • Reboot and you are free to load Apps and install Plugins!