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Daily Conversations

  • band-aid
  • acne: pimple
  • over-the-counter/prescription medicine/drug
  • dermatologist: 皮肤科医生
  • gym membership: what kind of plans do you have? I'll sign up for one year.
  • heavy rain.
  • order in: 点外卖 (food delivery app), what do you feel like eating?
  • excuse me, can you tell me where to find the bread?
  • what breed is she (a dog)?
  • landlord: 房东
  • lease: 契约
  • Can you dog-sit (~ babysit) for me when I'm away this summer?
  • The plane was grounded (滞留) for an hour. I missed my connection (连接,指换乘) to Tokyo because of the delay.
  • You must be jet-lagged (倒时差)
  • Can I get this to go? (我能打包带走么?)
  • I'd like to book a table for 4 people on this Sunday at 7 PM.
  • Hi, I need to ask for sick leave (病假) today, I caught a nasty cold.
  • I'd like to check in, please. cabin (carry-on) baggage / check-in baggage.
  • the earthquake was 4.9 on the Richter scale (里氏震级), and its epicenter (震中) was off the coast of Hualian. This must be the aftershock.
  • two scoops of ice-cream.
  • latte (coffee): short, tall, grande.
  • shuttle service: (接送服务): Do they run on a regular schedule or do I have to book in advance?
  • military basic training
  • dress code: 服装规定 (It's semi-formal)
  • tuxedo: n, 燕尾服 (that would be overdressing, a nice tie with a suit is enough)
  • baggage carousel: 行李转盘, luggage
  • diarrhea: 腹泻
  • I feel weak, nauseous (想吐) and have a bad headache.
  • trim down: lose weight
  • I cut down on carbs (carbohydrates), sugary drinks and fried food, and stopped eating late-night snacks.
